Throughout the course of this organization's sermons and studies, we will consistently use many historical, scientific, and religious sources to back up any position presented in one of our meetings. Here is a general overview of what we reference. This list will be expanded as more content is covered.
Where We Get Our Doctrine (These Sources Are Viewed as the Authority)
The Holy Bible: King James Version 1769 Without Apocrypha
Other English Bible Versions Not Viewed as Doctrinally Accurate
New International Version (NIV)
English Standard Version (ESV)
New Living Translation (NLT)
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
New King James Version (NKJV)
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Scofield Reference Bible (KJV, but its commentaries preach false doctrine)
Douay-Rheims Bible
All other modern English Bibles and Bibles translated using the Latin Vulgate, Codex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus, Septuagint, or any Alexandrian manuscripts
Catholic Sources
Church Fathers
Augustine of Hippo's Writings
Protestant Sources
Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses of 1517
The Augsburg Confession of 1530
Reformed / Calvinist
The Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin
The Canons of Dort of 1618-1619
The Westminster Confession of Faith of 1647
The Westminster Larger Catechism
The Westminster Shorter Catechism
The London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689
Islamic Sources
Quran Translations
Abdel Haleem Translation
Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall Translation
Saheeh International Translation
Yusuf Ali Translation
Sahih al-Bukhari: Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan Translation
Sahih Muslim: Nasiruddin al-Khattab Translation
Sunan Abu Dawud: Yaser Qadhi Translation
Religiously Motivated Historical Sources
Foxe's Book of Martyrs - ISBN: 9781420957235
Webster's Dictionary 1828 Edition - ISBN-13: 978-0-912498-03-4, ISBN-10: 0-912498-03-X