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100% Chance of Heaven
Aug 21, 202216 min read
Biblically Defining Grace and Proving Jesus Died for the Sins of the Whole World
An essential part of believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is understanding that He died for our sins. In this post, we will be showing...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Feb 19, 20207 min read
Augustine's Writings on Forced Conversion: Origins of Calvinism and Islam
One of the reasons why Roman Catholicism, Calvinism, and Islam have become some of the most widely practiced religions is because of...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Feb 13, 202018 min read
Augustine's Writings on Holy War: Origins of Calvinism and Islam
Holy war is a subject that many Christians think is an exclusively Islamic subject, but when one studies the practices and beliefs of...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Feb 9, 20206 min read
Augustine's Writings on Perseverance of the Saints: Origins of Calvinism and Islam
In Calvinism, the doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints is one of the half truths that deceives the most people into believing it. A...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Feb 7, 20206 min read
Augustine's Writings on Irresistible Grace: Origins of Islam and Calvinism
The Calvinistic doctrine of Irresistible Grace is the final piece of their doctrine of predestination, stating that if God wants a person...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Feb 5, 20205 min read
Augustine's Writings on Limited Atonement: Origins of Calvinism and Islam
In Calvinism, the doctrine of Limited Atonement rightfully causes the most controversy because it most obviously teaches a different...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Feb 3, 20207 min read
Why is the Book of Tobias(Tobit) Not in the Bible?
Of the Apocryphal books of the Catholic Bible, the book of Tobias has some of the most obvious heresies, containing both pagan and...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Feb 1, 20207 min read
Augustine's Writings on Unconditional Election: Origins of Islam and Calvinism
In Calvinism and Islam, the heretical doctrine of Unconditional Election is the defining point within the entire doctrine of...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Jan 30, 20201 min read
Books Not in the Bible and The Reasons Why
Across the many denominations of what most people would call Christianity, there exist Bible versions that either include or exclude...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Jan 27, 20205 min read
Why is the King James Bible the Best English Bible? Spring 2020 Week 4 Bible Study
Unfortunately, in 2020, if you say you only get your doctrine from the King James Bible, you are likely to get some odd looks and even a...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Jan 27, 20208 min read
Augustine's Influence on John Calvin and Reformed Theology
It is widely known that Reformed Theology, also known as Calvinism, originated in the writings of Augustine, a Roman Catholic Church...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Jan 26, 20208 min read
Augustine's Writings on Total Depravity: Origins of Islam and Calvinism
In Calvinism and Islam, the heretical doctrine of Total Depravity is explained in full detail, though it is described in different ways,...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Jan 24, 20202 min read
Tulip Symbolism in Calvinism and Islam
Tulips are an integral part of both Calvinism and Islam. In Calvinism, its five most important doctrines, called "the five points of...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Jan 23, 20205 min read
Unconditional Election in Islam and Calvinism
In Calvinism, the doctrine of predestination is separated into three parts, the first being unconditional election. This is the 'U' in...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Jan 23, 20204 min read
Limited Atonement in Islam and Calvinism
In the five points of Calvinism, the doctrine of Limited Atonement (the 'L' in TULIP) causes the most emotional reaction and controversy....
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100% Chance of Heaven
Jan 23, 20205 min read
Irresistible Grace in Islam and Calvinism
In Calvinism, the doctrine of irresistible grace (the 'I' in TULIP) is a doctrine that directly attacks man's free will. Islam also has...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Jan 23, 20209 min read
Perseverance of the Saints in Islam and Calvinism
The Calvinistic doctrine of perseverance of the saints (the 'P' in TULIP) is the one that is most confusing to some because there are a...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Jan 18, 20208 min read
Total Depravity in Islam and Calvinism
It is extremely important to know how Calvinism and Islam view people in their natural state. In Christianity, we would call these...
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100% Chance of Heaven
Jan 18, 20201 min read
The Hard Truth About Calvinism and Islam
This series of articles proves that Calvinism and Islam have the same beliefs.
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100% Chance of Heaven
Jan 16, 20205 min read
How to Grow in Your Christian Life and Repent of Sin: Spring 2020 Week 3 Bible Study
As Christians who believe in both easy believism and the eternal security of the believer, it is extremely important that, even though...
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